SPIN2030 science fair
LaNDER³ presented its developments at the SPIN2030 science fair together with other selected exhibitors from across the Free State of Saxony. At our two hands-on offers, interested visitors were able to produce natural fiber-reinforced plastics themselves and learn more about this pioneering research.

Further information can be found here.


Presentation to the Saxon Innovation Advisory Board
LaNDER³ presented natural fiber-based demonstrators at the 7th meeting of the Saxon Innovation Advisory Board at the TU Bergakadamie Freiberg as part of a practical show on the topic of "Circular economy in Saxony from the perspective of science and research".

Further information can be found here.


LaNDER³ honored after accompanying research by the BBSR
The Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) accompanied LaNDER³ in the research project "Potential of the circular economy for rural development in Germany and Europe" and declared it one of five regional flagship projects nationwide.

Further information can be found here.