
LaNDER³ - News

03. April 2023

Presentation of pioneering research to the Saxony Innovation Council

LaNDER³ presented natural fiber-based demonstrators as part of a practical show on the circular economy

On March 21 and 22, 2023, the members of the Saxon Innovation Advisory Board met for their 7th meeting at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg. The thematic focus of the event was on the potential of Saxony's circular economy in the context of the state's structural development.

As part of the advisory board meeting, an exhibition was held on the topic of "Circular economy in Saxony from the perspective of science and research", at which the LaNDER³ partnership, as one of eleven companies and research institutions in Saxony, presented research results on the path to the age of the circular economy.

Recycling and CO2 neutrality alone do not constitute a circular economy. Materials and products must be developed in such a way that waste and emissions are avoided altogether with as little energy input as possible. The challenge lies in taking a holistic view of a product's life cycle, from product design, production and use to the collection of products at the end of their life and the return of individual materials to the cycle.
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang A. Herrmann (Chairman of the Saxony Innovation Advisory Board)

The LaNDER³ partnership fits perfectly into the holistic view of the life cycle, because the unique technological selling point of the LaNDER³ partnership is the consideration of the closed value chain of natural fiber composites:
From the extraction of the natural fiber to the recycling of the components at the end of the life cycle.

Whether in car recycling, battery recycling, the use of innovative building materials or pharmacology - Saxony's economy and science are successfully making their way into the circular economy.
Michael Kretschmer (Prime Minister of the Free State of Saxony)


The Saxon Innovation Advisory Council was appointed in 2019 by Minister President Michael Kretschmer as a high-ranking body of experts from Saxony's politics, business, science and administration. The aims of the advisory board are to increase the innovation potential in Saxony and to advise and support the state government in the structural development of Saxony's lignite mining regions in the Lusatian and Central German coalfields. The advisory board's recommendations are intended to have an impact on all regions of the Free State.

Here you will find media information on the occasion of the 7th meeting of the Innovation Advisory Council Saxony on March 21/22, 2023 in Freiberg.

Ansprechperson LaNDER³
Dr. rer. nat.
Matthias Kinne
Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences
02763 Zittau
Hochwaldstr. 14
Building Z XV, Room 1.03
1st floor
+49 3583 612-4704
+49 174 3952687