
LaNDER³ - News

08. December 2021

Up the ramp with climate protection!

Saving CO2 in the Zittau skate park! That is the vision of CO2Create2Skate.

Have fun reducing CO2 together. Creating and using opportunities to do so. This is exactly what theCO2Create2Skate project stands for. Professor Dr.-Ing. Jakob Hildebrandt illustrates this using the example of a skate park.

But first things first. The Professor of Corporate Environmental Protection and Sustainability at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences received the eku Future Prize 2021 from the Saxon State Ministry for Energy, Climate Protection, Environment and Agriculture (SMEKUL) for the project idea "CO2Create2Skate". The aim of the project is to work with young people to put carbon storage in skate park elements into practice.

The project idea, which was developed in collaboration with the Office for Education and Social Affairs of the City of Zittau, the start-up Carbon Instead UG and the large-scale project Lausitzer Naturfaser-Verbundwerkstoffe: Dezentrale Energie, Rohstoffe, Ressourcen, Recycling(LaNDER³), won over the prize jury. The prize money of 20,000 euros can now be used for cooperative implementation.

In the "CO2Create2Skate" project, young people are involved in a co-creation process for the prototype development of carbon-storing skate park elements for the Zittau skate park. By further developing the skate park, they can creatively combine their commitment to climate protection with their enthusiasm for their sport and leisure activities.

Individual project steps of the CO2Create2Skate project are illustrated in a graphic.
Graphic: HSZG

The initial plan is to develop two to three prototypes for carbon-storing skate park elements. These are to become a permanent part of the Zittau skatepark, thus actively contributing to climate protection. Learning to recognize environmental and resource connections together, experiencing material innovations with one's own senses, developing designs and transforming them into prototypes - all of this promotes a sense of self-efficacy, joint creative power and practical effectiveness in the face of the challenges of climate change.

Based on a sponsoring concept, in a second step, building materials companies that want to become pioneers in carbon storing materials will be invited to develop their own usable skate park elements and build them for the skate park.

Ultimately, the skate park is also intended to be a technology show park that demonstrates how we can work together to protect the climate: Together we can tackle climate protection and have fun at the same time. Natural fiber-based materials and biochar-based concrete will be pioneering work here and will be followed by further innovations. 

The project will start in spring 2022 and will be implemented until fall 2023.

Those interested in sponsoring and young people are cordially invited to a lively, constructive exchange and can contact Jakob.Hildebrandt(at)

Upcoming events on the participation formats and project results will be communicated on an ongoing basis.

Photo: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jakob Hildebrandt
Ihre Ansprechperson
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Jakob Hildebrandt
Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences
02763 Zittau
Külzufer 2
Building ZVI, Room 9
+49 3583 612-4614