
LaNDER³ - News

29. May 2019

Kick-off ChaffStraw

On 28.05.19, the participants in the "SpreuStroh" joint project met for the kick-off event at Kluge GmbH in Königswartha.

On 28.05.19, the participants in the joint project "SpreuStroh" met for the kick-off event at
Kluge GmbH in Königswartha.

The HSZG project "Development of a processing technology for chaff straw" is part of the joint project "Technical and technological development of an innovative chaff straw value chain", which is being applied for together with Kluge GmbH.

On the basis of an innovative harvesting process that realizes the recovery of the grain kernel uncleaned in a mixture with chaff and chopped straw in one pass of the harvesting machine, the project was therefore developed to realize a complete value chain for the novel biomass mixture SpreuStroh, from the special harvesting technology to new transport, handling and storage technologies, as well as the processing technologies developed at the HSZG specifically for large industrial needs. Around 10 million tons of chaff alone would be available throughout Germany.

The farmers involved in this process should thus be able to achieve new yield opportunities largely on their own along the entire value chain, become equal partners in new industrial markets and, in addition to protecting their own production area, make significantly improved contributions to protecting the environment.

The latter effect results from just one pass of the harvesting technology for more harvest product overall with reduced machine weights and a considerable reduction in the necessary use of crop protection products (in particular herbicides such as glyphosate) due to the system-related removal of weed seeds with the chaff from the field and the simultaneous reduction in grain losses.

In addition to the economic benefits for the user, the project, which is currently unique in the world, is also intended to provide new impetus for environmental protection and promote the image of agriculture in society.

The project was initiated by the cooperation of the players in the LaNDER³ partnership.

Further information