
LaNDER³ - News

18. September 2020

Battle with the heavyweights

Completion of the handling periphery for the hydrolyzer test facility

Completion of the handling periphery for the hydrolyzer test facility

Hydrolyzer test facility

A hydrolyzer is used to handle the large masses of fibrous material that have to be separated from the plants. In order to be able to feed the plant with banana trunks, for example, a mobile crane system has been installed that can easily handle the lid together with the educts clamped in.

This is capable of lifting 1000 kg and transporting it sideways. It is also used for lifting and lowering tasks in the resin infusion processes used in Impulse Project 2.

The company ARTTHEA GmbH from Radebeul provided the structure within the LaNDER³ project.

Fred Haaser
Institute of Process Engineering, Process Automation and Metrology
02763 Zittau
Schwenninger Weg 1
Building Z VII, Room 13
First floor
+49 3583 612 4983