
LaNDER³ - News

26. November 2020

3rd partnership meeting

Partnership meeting - in presence and in the stream

The third LaNDER³ partnership meeting focused on new trends and current developments in the field of natural fiber-reinforced plastics (NFRP). The most important milestones and results of the project were presented, the first spin-offs were introduced and a brief outlook on the intensification phase (2021-2024) was given. Due to the hygiene concept, the presentations could be held in the usual manner but with sufficient distance in presence in the Lander Technical Center. Supported by the public relations work of the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, the event was streamed live so that all partners and interested parties were involved.

Entrance area with hygiene standards, disinfectant, face masks, rules
Entrance area according to hygiene concept



09:00                                       Partnership status report and outlook

                              Outlook for the Intensification phase (2021-2024)

09:30                                    Impulse project 1

(1) Extraction of renewable raw materials from plant biomass with defined properties

(2) Material-oriented recycling of NFK waste

(3) Energy supply through energy recovery from natural fiber and NFRP residues

10:30                                       Coffee break

10:45                                       Impulse Project 2

(4)   Innovative construction methods and economical production technologies for lightweight NFRP hybrid structures

(5)   Environmentally friendly processes for the application of functional layers for NFRP components subject to complex loads

(6)   Process networking and data management in NFRP processing

                               Exploratory project

(7)   Functionalization of natural fibres to open up new applications

12:00                                     Lunch break

12:45                                    Presentation of the new impulse projects 3 and 4

13:00                                       "Open discussion"

14:00                                     End

Contact person

Koordinator der Partnerschaft LaNDER³
Dr. rer. nat.
Matthias Kinne
Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences
02763 Zittau
Hochwaldstr. 14
Building Z XV, Room 1.03
1st floor
+49 3583 612-4704
+49 174 3952687