Symposium 2022

Challenges and barriers to product development of natural fiber reinforced plastics and biocomposites.

In the development of products based on new resources and processes, technical and scientific challenges as well as political and economic obstacles arise. From May 24 to 25, experts from business, science and politics will meet to discuss such challenges and obstacles in the production of natural fiber reinforced plastics and biocomposites.


The event is free of charge. Registration (for both events) is possible up to and including 19.09.2024 under this link.


May 24, 2022 - Challenges in standardization/standardization of natural fibers.


12:00 onwards: Check-in with lunch
13:05: Welcome address by Dr. Matthias Kinne, Cluster Manager LaNDER³.
13:10: Greetings Thomas Rublack, District Office Görlitz Department III
13:20: Welcome and presentation of partnership LaNDER³ Prof. Jens Weber, partnership spokesman LaNDER³.
13:30: Impulse lecture: model region bioeconomy and biomass potentials of Lusatia Dr. Romy Brödner, German Biomass Research Center gGmbH.
13:45: Impulse lecture: useful hemp in the building materials industry - the way to the product Thom Nowotny, Deutsche Hanf-Akademie e. V.
14:00 hrs: Impulse lecture: Useful hemp in Lusatia - between hype and hurdles? Dr. Stefan Zimmermann, LEAG
14:15: Technical lecture + discussion: Processing and fractionation of dry biomasses using the example of miscanthus - R&D as the basis for a business field development Uwe Kühn, Miscanthus Buscheritz / Technical Service Kühn GmbH.
15:00: Technical lecture + discussion: innovative harvesting process and utilization possibilities of SpreuStroh Dr. Maria Schäfer, Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences (HSZG), joint project HSZG / kluge GmbH.
15:30: Coffee break
16:00: Technical lecture + discussion: economic use of hemp fibers in the USA and in Upper Lusatia Jonas Bielaczek, Linnaeus Kompetenzzentrum Hanf gGmbH.
16:30: Technical lecture + discussion: Possibilities of bio-based thermoset materials using the example of SMC materials (thematic outlook to May 25, 2022) Dr. Sebastian Steffen, Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research
17:00: Summary and discussion
17:45: Break
18:00 hrs: dinner together
from 19:00: Campfire in the garden of the bible plants (bad weather variant: fireplace in the fireplace room - guest house "St. Hedwig")



May 25, 2022 - Requirements and developments in research for the production of NFRPs and biocomposites

(Quality/Scalability/Raw Material Availability/Recycling).

From 8:30 am: Check-In
9:15 am: Welcome address Prof. Jens Weber, partnership spokesperson LaNDER³.
9:30 am: Keynote presentation: Challenges in sustainable material development: tabula rasa or constructive disobedience? Tim Mergelsberg, nevi GmbH
9:45 am: Coffee break
10:15 am: Technical lecture + discussion: Biocomposites - Sustainable, but also economical? Prof. Sebastian Scholz, University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz - Partnership LaNDER³ / Fraunhofer Plastics Center Oberlausitz.
10:45 am: Technical lecture + discussion: Optical size measurement of wood and natural fibers - overview and possibilities Dr. Burkhard Plinke, Fraunhofer Institute for Wood Research, Wilhelm-Klauditz-Institute.
11:15 am: Technical lecture + discussion: challenges in the further development of manufacturing technologies and prototype development of components with natural fiber reinforcement Dr. Roman Rinberg, Chemnitz University of Technology.
11:45 am: Summary and discussion
12:15 pm: Conclusion and opportunity for lunch together
13:00 hrs: Monastery tour optional (still free places)



Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences
Peter-Dierich-Haus (Haus ZIV)

Theodor-Körner-Allee 8
02763 Zittau

Information on how to get there and the location of the conference venue can be found here.

Photo: M.A. Henriette Uhlig
Henriette Uhlig
Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences
02763 Zittau
Hochwaldstr. 14
Building Z XV, Room 1.03
Upper floor
+49 3583 612-4340